

Hy, In this video You will be teached that was is Mac_Address. And how to change which will help you to hide yourself on internet. Soon I am going to upload a new video of "How to make a Mac_Changer with python". Till then like and follow my blog of you have not done it to now and also don't forget to subscribe my YouTube Channel . Thank you Samvrit Tiwari


  Hy, Today I am going to tell you all that how you can use cloud computing. First, What is cloud computing? Cloud computing means that if your device either desktop or phone has shortage of space then you can upload your file online. Their are lots of website which enables you to use cloud. But the best one according to me is  Seedr . ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿ‘ˆThis is the link Link ☝️☝️ is here. Seedr by default gives you 2gb of space which is free. But you can buy even more space. You can upload not only files but also your coding over there. This will help you if by mistake your codes are deleted so you will get your files back because it was on your cloud not your system. I personally use Seedr and it benefited me honestly and I will recommend you to use Seedr. Thank you Samvrit Tiwari

A.I. Development #1

Hy, Today I going to show how to install Python & V.S. Code (Visual Studio Code) and how to code python in it. And also I will show you that how to encrypt your folder so that nobody else can open it without your permission. To Encrypt any folder copy the code given below:- @ ECHO   OFF title  Folder Robocodemore if   EXIST   "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"   goto  UNLOCK if  NOT  EXIST  Robocodemore  goto  MDLOCKER : CONFIRM echo  Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N) set/p  "cho=>" if   %cho% ==Y  goto  LOCK  if   %cho% ==y  goto  LOCK if   %cho% ==N  goto  End if   %cho% ==n  goto  End echo  Invalid choice. goto  CONFIRM : LOCK ren  Robocodemore  "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" attrib  +h +s  "Control...

A.I. Devlopment #0

Hy, I am going to show you some of my A.I. projects. And I have improved the quaility of the video. Don't forget to Like and follow my blog. And subscribe to get notified that moment I upload a post. Thank you  Samvrit Tiwari

Great Announcement

I'm sorry I was not uploading post for long ,But I want to tell you all  that I'm going to show you some coding and I'm going to use Python as programming language and will not only show you A.I  creation but also will tell some python codes for my beginners friends. Thank You Samvrit Tiwari

Micro-Controller Differentiate

Hy , Today I am going to tell you that what is the difference between the Micro-Controller you find in your RC Car and the Micro-Controller you find in Arduino Boards. So, There are actually two types of Micro-Controller:- re-programmable Micro-Controller. Non-programmable Micro-Controller. Re-programmable  can be programmed as many times as you want. And Non-programmable  cannot be programmed the second time. The Micro-Controller you find in your Arduino Board are Re-programmable Micro-Controller. And the Micro-Controller you find in your T.V. remotes and your RC Car are Non-Programmable Micro-Controller.

Regression and Classification

Hy, As in my last post I have told you about some modules for making Machine Learning  models. So , Today I am going to tell you that what is Regression  and Classification . Because if we are going to learn machine learning there are only 2 things in machine learning,i.e, Regression and Classification. Regression  is making prediction of an value. Example:- There is a house in which there are:- 5 Windows 3 Rooms 2 Toilets And an 5 star locality Then predict the house's value. This is called Regression. Classification  is making prediction in Yes or No. Example:- There is cat in front of the camera then it will be predict either it is a cat or not or anything else. This is called Classification. In my next post I will show you some classification projects I had made while I was leaning classification. And one more thing that no one can master machine learning in all fields. I have still not mastered machine learning. But after completing this machine learning course ...